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I'm a working single mom who loves to write in my spare time... so bare with me when there's a lull in the blogging. It means I'm out enjoying my daughter, Elly's, crazy antics!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Breast Fed Thighs

Ghosts of blogging past: I couldn't help but digging this one back out of the archives for my blogging friends Mommy 2 cent and Chosen Chaos.  Thanks for the fun laughs ladies!

The other day I took my daughter, Elly, in for her 4 month check-up.  The doctor asked me all the usual questions.  Chatted about all the usual stuff...Am I still breastfeeding? How much is she eating?  How much do I pump a day?  Is she active? Does she sleep through the night?  And so on.

I assured him that she eats plenty.  She's an eater... just like her mom and dad.  She eats me out of house and home.  And because of that I've become her dairy queen. 

I pump it, she eats it.  Pump, eat, pump, eat...there's no end in sight.

Now, I'm not exactly complaining.  Breastfeeding has been the best diet I've ever been on!  I hate running, so pumping 5 times a day plus her other feedings is better than training for a marathon.  I totally get it now why women breast feed their kids until they're 5.  At least that's what the "Blossom" chick is doing.  WHOA!  I've decided I'll breast feed until she's 1, convert to cow's milk and then just pump and dump until I hit menopause.  Then maybe I'll just get a tummy tuck after that.  And I'll need my thighs done too.

I have my mother's thighs.  She got them from her mother, who undoubtedly got them from her mom.  They're thick to say the least.  There's a lot of mass in our thighs.  That saying "a moment on the lips, forever on the hips?"  Yeah, they mean thighs in my family.  We're talking wondrous, thunderous thighs!

And my daughter is no different.  As I've said before, she's pretty much a mini-me.  So of course, she got my thighs. 

And her thighs were the first thing the doctor noticed during her physical exam.  He actually said "Yup, those are breast fed thighs." And at first I felt a little put off by this comment.  I've had a lot of things said about my figure growing up.  And then I realized that might be the nicest thing a man has ever said about my thighs.  And even though he was talking about Elly's, they're in essences, my thighs too.

How nice of you to notice my breast fed thighs Doc!


  1. breast fed thighs, Wha?! Never heard of that... can I blame my Mom (who didn't breast feed) for my thighs, somehow?!?

    So glad to see you linked up with us!!

  2. I remember reading somewhere that the energy to create breast milk comes mostly from thighs. Not sure if this is true or not, but considering I have insanely large thighs, I'm hoping this bodes well for me if I ever breast feed! Stopping by from #bloggy past!

  3. That was an interesting statement to make! Of course, I produced skim milk in comparison to my friend who I swear produced pure whipping cream, and her daughter was a meaty little thing; so maybe there is some truth to that... hmmmm...

    Although, her daughter is now a bean pole. So... maybe not.

    But then again, maybe that's the reason I actually got fatter with breastfeeding instead of skinnier. When my daughter hit 6 mo, I was 10 lbs fatter than the day they wheeled me out of the hospital after having her. No shiz!

    Thanks for linking up with us for Ghosts of Blogging Past! :)
