About Me

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I'm a working single mom who loves to write in my spare time... so bare with me when there's a lull in the blogging. It means I'm out enjoying my daughter, Elly's, crazy antics!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

The big 5 month mark!

So Elly turns 5 months tomorrow. And as I'm about to fall asleep, I realize I've learned a lot about what it means to be a mom.

1. Letting her crinkle the plastic baggie will quickly turn into her eating the plastic baggie.

2. Saying 'don't go anywhere' to a baby who has figured out how to roll over is pointless.

3. Coffee is WAY more important than booze. And maybe more important than sex still.

4. An awesome weekend "outing" is rolling out of bed, noticing the AMAZING 2-day diaper sale email at Babies R A-rip-off and racing to the store to beat the other moms to them before even taking a shower.

5. She beats me every time in the game of chicken... Aka the cry it out method.

6. I'm a sucker for a diaper coupon.

7. It doesn't matter how much shit is on your shirt if your kid is wearing a cute hat.

8. I should take better advantage of the opportunities I have to sleep rather than blog about not getting any Zzz's.

9. Gums can hurt just as much as teeth when it comes to your nipples.

10. Hearing that you have a cute baby never gets old.

11. Being asked to hold your cute baby does.

12. Especially if the person asking is in shackles, in the holding cell of your grandfather's court room chambers.

13. True story!

14. I'll never stop judging other parents when I see their kids running crazy.

15. I'm scared shitless I'll be one of those parents with screaming children being judged.

16. I love to hoard baby clothes.

17. I'll never stop being amused by my daughter.

18. Hearing her cry, even when I know she's faking it for attention, makes my heart break.

19. Yes, I know the difference between a real cry and a fake one.

20. I would give my life for her without question, doubt, or fear.

Until later

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Totally agree with this! I other day I asked out loud "Is this a booger or a scab?" when I looked down at my son's arm...needless to say it was a booger. lol ahhhh motherhood, never gets old but it will wear the shit out of you! :)
