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I'm a working single mom who loves to write in my spare time... so bare with me when there's a lull in the blogging. It means I'm out enjoying my daughter, Elly's, crazy antics!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Cousin It

I'm a hairy woman.  Stoofy is a pretty hairy guy.  When we were dating and engaged, I knew that we would eventually have a hairy child.

In fact when I was pregnant, I used to dream that Elly would come out looking like a monkey. 

What I pictured my unborn child to look like at birth

The doctor would hand her to me and then hand me shaving cream (extra sensitive, super-specially formulated for my minutes-old baby) and a razor and I would have to shave her before being weighed.  She would only need that initial shave and then would be fine until she became menopausal. 

So it was no surprise to me (given the amount of heartburn I had during my pregnancy) that she came out with a full head of hair.  I WAS surprised she didn't look more like a monkey. 

Although, Elly WAS born with hair on the top of her ears, like on the ridge of them.  She looked like an elf.  It actually took me about 2-3 hours of her life before I figured out that the hair I kept tucking behind her ears and under her cap was actually attached to her ears and not her head.  (Mother of the year already.)

It should be no surprise that she's got lots of hair now. In fact she's got longer hair than me.  In her nearly two years of life, I have yet to cut it.  I used to think people who never cut their kid's hair and let it grow past their kid's ass were nuts.  I mean, who lets a kid who can barely wipe on their own let their hair dangle back there and get in the way?  Gross.

But now that I'm faced with the milestone of her first hair cut, I just can't do it.  I'm prepared to let her hair grow to her kneecaps if I have to.  I'll just embrace her hair and dress her as Cousin It for Halloween. Shit, I'll even spring for the Repunzel costume if that's what it takes.

"AAAHHH! My hair is out of control!"

Why am I protesting the shears? Probably because the moment I cut her hair is the moment we can never go back. Once you get your first hair cut, that's it.  It's the end of the baby phase of her life.  It's the start of a whole new confusing part of life where you're desperately trying to get a "Rachel" hair cut when you have "Felicity" hair. It's the start of worring about all things coifed.

I'm not ready for it and I'm not ready for her to grow up.  I'll just buy more hair ties to keep her locks out of her yogurt in the morning.

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  1. She is the cutest, and that hair is amazing. I wouldn't want to cut it either!

  2. Oh, cuteness!

    My older daughter is 5 and has a lot of really fine blonde hair. It's prone to breakage because it is so fine, but I give her a trim every 5-6 months to even out the bottom.

    The oldest of my twins (22 months) has similar hair, so I anticipate that she will be growing it a long time before it's long.

    But the younger of my twins is has a full head of light auburn hair -- just like mine. It grows quickly and is strong and is almost longer than the 5-year-old's hair.

    My son, though, has the most hair. He has the thickest hair I've ever seen on a kid, thankfully it is soft. It's also a golden blonde, the color women try to dye their hair. Lucky boy he is!

  3. She's adorable! And don't feel bad about not cutting yet . . . I didn't get my daughter's hair cut till she was 4! (We did, of course, go the whole 9 and cut off 12" though . . . and donated to Locks of Love!) I definitely say keep buying the hair ties and wait until you're both ready! :)

    1. Maybe that's what I'll do. I'll wait until she can donate her hair. Thanks for the tip!

  4. Such a cutie! My son got his first haircut at 18 months and he didn't have a quarter of the hair she has.

  5. I wouldn't want to cut it either - except I have boys and I can't even manage to keep their hair in order so I'd probably have a little girl with constant bedhead.

  6. I used to keep my boys hair pretty short. Mostly because boys can be in the tub for three hours and never once think of shampoo. If I had been blessed with a girl, I would have waited as long as I could too.

  7. Aw, what a little cherub - a full head of hair that is so adorable!

  8. Hairy girls unite! I'm hairy and one of my daughters is while the other isn't. Oy! Your daughter is beautiful!

    1. Thank you! And I wasnt born hairy, it hit me like a ton of hairy bricks once I hit puberty. There's still time for your un-hairy daughter to catch up to the rest of us! ;-)

  9. This made me smile the whole way through.

  10. My kids were very hairy. Both had hairy backs, plus tons on their heads. With boys, it was easier for me, as they both started looking kind of just messy when the hair got longer, so I cut it. I was still a little sad, but they were much cuter with it trimmed. Some boys have that fluffy, curly hair that parents keep longer for a while, but ours were just...shaggy. :)

  11. What a cutie! Both my boys have had longish hair at one time or another. Their hair is naturally curly like mine and their dad's. But in summer they wanted it cut short and the stylist kept asking if I was sure. It was hard to go through with. I love the curls!

    1. If they asked if I was sure, it would only cause hesitation and for me to pick her up and leave! I better wait until I'm really, really ready!
