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I'm a working single mom who loves to write in my spare time... so bare with me when there's a lull in the blogging. It means I'm out enjoying my daughter, Elly's, crazy antics!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Drama Free?

Why is it that when someone says they are drama free it really means buckle up for an 'I want to be a reality star on any kind if tv show I can find because my life is so desperately boring I have to invent shit to stir up trouble to have any kind of excitement' ride?

Whenever some one tries to tell me they can't stand drama I usually make a mental note and run as fast as I can away. (And i FUCKING HATE RUNNING!!!) Because it usually means the opposite.

I've got dramatic co-workers I keep an arms-length away (mainly because it's illegal to strangle them, so it's better if they're out of reach), crazy family (which because I'm related to them I can't do a damn thing about), in-laws (virtually the same thing, only now I'm not only tied to them because I'm married, but because I have a kid who carries the crazy gene) and then I have the military.

The military brings a whole new level of drama to anyone's life. You do NOT want to try and play the 'One Up' game with a service member.

I've got sea stories of bat-shit crazy things going on that are what's considered normal in the military.

And I'm worried that because I'm so used to that level of drama in my life being normal I won't be able to realize what is actually normal to civilians when I become one. Am I so used to drama at a level 10, that when faced with a 2 or a 3, I won't even notice and will just laugh at them and make things worse. I don't need a RHofNJ Danielle Staub on my hands.

I'm not going to lie, I actually like a little drama. I like it when I watch the RHofNJ or RHofOC or Jersey Shore. Or even when I follow along on a few facebook pages I'm a fan of because it's like reading my own little US Weekly!

I just like to be an outsider watching the drama unfold. I don't actually want to be in the blast radius when the tables start flipping and wine glasses get thrown.

So I won't say I don't like drama, I just like to watch it, not live it. 

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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