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I'm a working single mom who loves to write in my spare time... so bare with me when there's a lull in the blogging. It means I'm out enjoying my daughter, Elly's, crazy antics!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Cue the Chipmunk Music

All I want for Christmas is my kid's two front teeth to finish growing in.  Who knew growing teeth is one of the most painful processes as a parent.  Not to mention painful for your kid.  But that last point is obvious because that's what makes it painful for the parent... duh!

Anyway, Elly had one of her front teeth come in just before Thanksgiving time.  And it was a little painful and she was crabby.  But it was manageable.  (Either that, or I've already forgotten how exhausting it was last month.)  But only one of the two of them cut through. 

My first thought was, holy shit! I actually gave birth to a real-life hillbilly.  Great.  I already need to start worrying about braces, baby dentures and if Fixadent is safe for children under the age of one. 

My next thought was, crap! Did she somehow smash her face into something hard enough during the early stages of walking that she already fucked up her grill?  Did she somehow push the tooth back up in her gum?

And you're thinking right now that I'm completely irrational and crazy.  Stoofy says that I'm not crazy, I'm just a psychotic bitch.  He means that in the most funny, loving, tender-hearted way. 

As it turns out, the missing tooth is just a late bloomer.  It decided it wanted to wait a month before it's grand entrance on the scene.  Just in time for Christmas!  Lucky me.

But this tooth is different than all the rest of her three teeth.  This one has come with more than just tears, it's come with blood too.  Twice now I've found her bleeding from the mouth with no tears.  And it's left me wondering is this some sick, elaborate prank? Did some kind of special effects guru break into my room, bloody up my daughter, only to wait for me to find her and start screaming my head off so they can capture the sound for their movie? 

And Stoofy found her bloody during nap time the other day too.  He sent me this little gem of a text:
S- So I just had my first OMG moment as a dad.
B- Oh God, what?
S- I didn't notice it right away when I pulled the bottle out of her mouth.  I looked over and saw blood on her bottle so I looked at her and she had blood on her chin and on her binkie so I tried looking in her mouth and she freaked out.  She was finally falling asleep so I cleaned off her face and looked again and saw nothing.  But kids don't just bleed for no reason and I still don't know what it is.  But I don't see any more blood. 

And for me, this is victory!  Finally, I'm not the only one freaking out (and for Stoofy, that's the closest he gets to a freak out) over something Elly just did!  On the other hand, I'm sad that my poor little baby girl is bleeding from her mouth. 

Then add in the fact that she's in pain and fussy all day and all night long and it makes for a very long, long, LONG process just for one little chomper.  I just want that tooth to finally break through so we can get over this hump.... until the next tooth starts forcing its way out of the gum line. But for now, I'll just keep singing in my chipmunk voice. 

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