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I'm a working single mom who loves to write in my spare time... so bare with me when there's a lull in the blogging. It means I'm out enjoying my daughter, Elly's, crazy antics!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Sore loser

After more than 48 hours, the soreness is really starting to set in. (Who thought my running a 5K was a good idea?) The worst part about it is I'm not even that sore from the waist down.

My pain is actually from the waist up!  Yup, my legs feel fine-ish.  It's my poor arms, neck, shoulders and back that hurt!  Probably has something to do with shoving 30 extra pounds up and down mountains (they were barely hills, but it's my time to embellish here people).  Why the hell did I do this to myself?  (And when's the next one?)

I think the part that I hate the most about the soreness is that it just solidifies the fact that I'm weak.  I need to do more upper-body physical training.  And I really, really hate that.  I've never been as strong on top as I am on bottom.  I have genetically tested, amazingly strong thighs.  No seriously.  I was born with lower body strength. 

My upper body though, is weak.  Its only workout is to hold up my giant boobs. 

It's annoying to know that my old Navy chief was right about all his crazy fitness broo-ha-ha he went on and on about in GTMO.  I mean this guy was the kind of guy who would ride his bike for miles for fun, then get out and run what seems like the circumference of the island as training and then hop back on his bike to go pick up something across the island.  In my mind, he's a physical fitness masochist. (No offense Chief!)  His wife is just as physically fit.  I'm pretty sure their son (who's quite possibly the only kid on the planet cuter than my own) will be an Olympian some day.  He's well bread.

But this Chief is the kind of guy who went on and on about how you need a strong core and a strong upper body if you want to be a good runner.  I didn't listen much because I didn't want to be a good runner.  I still don't.  But I'd like to not hurt as much.  So I guess I should have listened. 

I guess it's time to start googling how to stretch and work on my core and upper body. 

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