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I'm a working single mom who loves to write in my spare time... so bare with me when there's a lull in the blogging. It means I'm out enjoying my daughter, Elly's, crazy antics!

Thursday, January 12, 2012


I just discovered a new amazing thing on the interwebs (You know, other than the other blogs I now follow and the awesome freefringes.com).  It's called Pinterest... and I'm ADDICTED!!!

Whenever I've looked at everyone's facebook statuses and I'm bored that no one has trended anything exciting, and I've run out of interesting news to read on Yahoo and am too lazy to pull up the Defense Department's site, I head over to Pinterest.

If you haven't been, you need to!!!!  If you love to craft, do lots of DIY projects, love to look at all the pretty things in the world you wish you had or could do yourself, then you need Pinterest. 

It seems as though it's becoming more and more popular and more and more addicting... which I love!  The more cool things people "pin" the more cool things I can repin and LOVE!

For example, I just found the most adorable onsie dress that's easy to make at home for Elly's first birthday.  It'll only take a little bit of fabric and a cute onsie and VIOLA! You've got yourself a rockin' birthday outfit! 

Stoofy and I dream of our house if we ever won the lottery.  Well, on Pinterest you can start designing it with all the amazing pictures and ideas. 

I look forward to pinning a few of my ideas for nifty storage and decorating ideas around our new place.  Stoofy probably won't like them, but hey, he'd rather have everything in the house be a shade of brown.  And since I prefer not to live in a make-your-own-UPS-warehouse, I'll go ahead and decide what I'm hanging on the walls.  He'll tell me if he hates it, and I might listen... maybe.

I'm just sayin', aside from this blog and the official Betty facebook page, Pinterest should totally be bookmarked on your web browser.  No really, take a second, and bookmark those three sites right now.

I'll wait....................................................

Um, you forgot this blog!


Ok, now that's better!

If you end up addicted to Pinterest like me, then steer clear of the app.  Because it'll only make your addiction worse.  But if you like a little vice in your life, consider pinning a little Betty to your boards! 

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