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I'm a working single mom who loves to write in my spare time... so bare with me when there's a lull in the blogging. It means I'm out enjoying my daughter, Elly's, crazy antics!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Being an Adult Rocks!

Yesterday afternoon I discovered that being an adult rocks.  While driving home from Best Buy, I got a text message from my BFF, Abby.  Turns out she's one car behind me on her way home too! YAY!

So we discuss the fact we're both in the High Occupancy Vehicle lane with only one passenger in each car and we cook up what our excuse will be when we get pulled over for breaking the law.  Let's just say her excuse was way better than mine and I'll be using that one now as well. 

Then she confesses this random gem to me: "So I just ate a quarter pound of deli meat straight out of the bag."

Mind you we're driving down the road while she declares this fact.  My response? Convulsing in laughter because I can honestly picture her reaching back into her grocery bag, pulling out the deli meat package, ripping it open like a ravenous beast and tearing into the tasty goodness that is smoked peppercorn turkey.

Our conversation goes a little something like this:
A: "I have so little will power!"

B: "Don't worry, I'm not judging you! I'm actually a little jealous I don't have deli meat to eat right now."

A: "I could pull up alongside of you and try and toss it in your window."

B: "Could you actually imagine us trying to pull that stunt? It would be hilarious! It's cool if it gets on the windshield, I'll still eat it and I think I could still get to it depending on where it lands."

A: "MMMM, windshield meat."

B: "And don't worry about the bugs, it's just extra protein!"

A: "I'm not going to be able to do this when I have kids.  I'll have to set an example!"

And that's when I remembered something my mom told me the night before.

My mom got a new iPhone and we were discussing games for her to download on it.  She was interested in getting Angry Birds and I told her she needed to be careful, because once she starts playing it, people will think she has turrets and it's incredibly addicting.  I asked her if she remembers when Tetris came out and how addicting it was.  And how you just had to keep playing because you know you can get to the next level.  That's what Angry Birds was like, but with more swearing.

My memory of Tetris and when Nintendo first came out was that she didn't want my sister and me playing too much.  Video games were junk and we didn't need to rot our brains on them. 

And then she spilled this dirty little secret.  She used to rush home on her lunch breaks when we were in school so she could play the Nintendo!  She would take her hour lunch, spend a half hour driving back and forth, and the other half hour playing Mario Brothers.  Then when she got back to work, she'd compare notes with her co-workers so they could get to the next level.

My mom is a closet GAMER! Are you kidding me? That's why she didn't want us playing, she was too busy secretly playing. 

And then it dawned on me.  Abby and I weren't going to have to stop our dirty little secret of eating deli meat straight out of the bag on the car ride home from the grocery store once our kids are in the car.  We just had to do it when they weren't looking!

So not only can you eat cookies for breakfast and ice cream for dinner, but you can also be a huge hypocrite to your kids and they don't even need to know about it until 20 years later!  That's why being an adult totally rocks!!!!

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