So what did I do? I started the couch to 5K program. I hate it already. But I hate being fat just a little bit more. I haven't always been fat. Only in the last few years (5ish) have a I really been working on packing on the L-Bs. At least I have skinny pics of myself to look at and day dream about the days of single digit pants. I have a physical goal I can look at and obtain.
Back to running.
Running seems to be the "in" thing. Everyone's running. I hate it. But I also like to be a part of fads. That's why I own an Iphone.
I got my ass out of bed this morning for another day of training on the C25K thingy. And by this morning, I mean early. How early? Not even the dog, who loves to run (bitch), would get up to go out with me.
As part of my "I quit" plan, a part of wanting to run was to feel comfortable in my running clothes. So I got some cute new, color-coordinating shorts and a shirt. I tested the shorts out as much as you can in a dress room without falling face first into a wall or mirror. But I thought, "cool, these will work." Wrong. Turns out that my fat thighs are now so fat that when I run in shorts I get chubrub. What's chubrub? If you don't know, you're skinny. If you do know, then you know how much it sucks.
I got back from my jog/walk this morning and went to go look up the crap real runners use to make sure they prevent chaffing. Having just done some god awful running, my mind was foggy. Instead of searching whatever it's called that runners use, I instead searched for "Astroglide."
Uh, yeah. So at 6 a.m. this morning my google was going nuts with lubricants best suited for another form of physical fitness. To add to my demise, Elly woke up bright and early (but not early enough for a jog with me... SEE! No one wants to run!) and was extra clingy. I thought for sure she was going to have to join me in the shower if I was ever going to get ready for work.
But on the plus side, I finished another day of C25k. And I'm signed up for my very first 5K! I've invested the money (which I vow to stop wasting) and Abby is signed up as well (this is her fault). It's September 8. So stay on my ass (there's plenty of room) and make sure I don't waste my money.
But really.... I hate running. I'm a moron. Kill me now.
Check me out on Yeah Write.